Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Yuval Noah Harari

This enjoyable and easy to read anthropology bestseller explores the ways in which biology and history have defined us and enhanced our knowledge of what it means to be “human.” Dr. Harari uses the understanding of the past, to help us look forward in this volume full of strong images and highly enjoyable to read. This book definitely deserves a read due to the way the author explains simply complex and fascinating human social creations and interactions.

Comprehending, through the lenses of anthropology, how humans always have – and always will – come together to survive as a species will most certainly change the reader’s view on their own connection with their communities, on a micro, meso and macro level.

The State of Affairs

Esther Perel

“Whenever I tell someone I am writing a book about infidelity, the immediate reaction is: ‘are you for or against?’ as if there are only two options. 
My answer is: ‘yes’.”

In her second tome, Esther Perel is exploring infidelity with intelligence and compassion, for all of the actors involved in the affair. This easy-to-read and gentle book is a must for everyone. A woman of her time, Esther Perel investigates the role of modern technology in our relationships, while giving comprehensive therapeutic advices to couples facing this reality. Her understanding of emotions, hurt, relationships, human nature and distress takes this book high on my list of recommendations.

Whether you are in a relationship, single, thinking of opening your couple, having a liaison, or simply curious, The State of Affairs is an excellent opportunity to learn about this reality that has existed as long as marriage itself.


Comment gérer les personnalités difficiles

François Lelord
Christophe André

Qu’il s’agisse de personnes anxieuses, paranoïaques, obsessionnelles, narcissiques ou contrôlantes, certaines personnes qui doivent être côtoyées au quotidien peuvent rendre la vie… irritante. Dans cet excellent ouvrage qui se lit presque comme un roman, Lelord et André nous dressent un portrait de ces différentes personnalités, nous expliquent comment ils conçoivent la vie et nous donnent des trucs et astuces pour mieux les gérer.

Disponible en français uniquement, ce tome sera un ajout incomparable à votre liste de lecture. Il permettra peut-être même de vous découvrir un peu vous-même. Puisque ce ne sont pas toujours seulement les autres, qui sont un peu difficiles.

Atomic Habits

James Clear

If you are ready to do the work and implement small changes in your life, Atomic Habits is the quick read that you need to consult. Short and to the point, this interesting book will teach you how to transform your life. James Clear will help you look at the systems in place in your life that may prevent you from making those changes you are looking for.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

You will still be expected to put in some efforts, but this hands-on book may well contain the key to your successes.



Jaques Attali

Dans cet ouvrage — offert uniquement en français — l’auteur et économiste Jacques Attali nous fait sillonner les époques pour nous raconter une histoire : celle de l’amour. Ce livre est un voyage à travers le monde des relations sexuelles et romantiques ; rempli d’images, d’émotions, de cultures et d’érotisme.

Jacques Attali nous y dresse un joli tableau de la façon dont les humains ont su s’associer depuis la nuit des temps, en passant entre autres par les tribus polyandres de la Chine, les geishas, les rituels homosexuels de la Nouvelle-Guinée, le rôle de la religion dans la monogamie, les mariages de groupes du Congo et toutes les autres utopies de l’amour.


Lust, Men and Meth

David Fawcett, PhD

In this bright and comprehensive tome, Dr. David Fawcett explores with honesty one of the biggest forbidden topics in the world of gay men’s (sexual) health: Crystal Meth addiction. With a delicate blend of psychologist insight, therapeutic perspective and story telling, Dr. Fawcett articulates the tale of gay men and their use of this substance that has taken over the life of many members and loved one from our populations.

Divided in three parts to help the reader through this multifaceted topic, this tome should be in the library of any professional who wants to work with gay men, as well as any queer man who is interested in the well-being of his communities. This remarkable volume breaks taboo and establishes hope while dressing a realistic—and sometimes triggering—portrait of this unique drug.


The Body Keeps the Score

Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD

In this very comprehensive book, Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk traces a complex and engaging portrait on what trauma looks like for men, women and children in this modern age. Starting from his years of experience working with war veterans, Dr. Van der Kolk explores the reality of physical and sexual abuse, the life of people raised by alcoholic parents, the survivors of domestic violence; explaining how these experiences inevitably leave traces on our minds, emotions and—sometimes more importantly—in our biology.

This exceptional work illuminates how we can inertly pass this trauma to our partner(s) and family and how our brain gets literally reorganized when we are survivors of any form of abuse. While this reading can be quite triggering and graphic at times, Dr. van der Kolk also completes his tome with a full section on healing and other therapies. I highly recommend this great book if you want to learn about trauma and how the body “keeps the score.”
